Corporate or Barefoot Bowls – large groups welcome. We have three outdoor greens having a total of 21 rinks and one indoor basement green of 4 rinks. 32 players maximum for basement indoor green. Our centre green has full lighting allowing night games.

The Club invites you and 2 partners/friends/family, or your organisation, to enter a team of 3 players in our Twilight Competition for Novice (Ladies, Gents over 16) bowlers.

Monday Triples
Monday Bowls provides social competition on grass and synthetic greens for all bowlers including other club visitors willing to play two afternoon games starting normally 1.00 pm (12.30 pm May to Aug).
Winners and various prize money allocated on the bases of wins and shot margins.
Entry on club notice board list

Friday Pairs
Friday Bowls provides social competition on grass and synthetic greens for all bowlers including other club visitors willing to play two afternoon games starting normally 1.00 pm (12.30 pm May to Aug).
Winners and various prize money allocated on the bases of wins and shot margins.
Entry on club notice board list.